Things Your Business Should Never Do On FaceBook


In order to ensure an effective social marketing strategy, you need to equally develop the art of emphatically saying “no” to the things which does not feel appropriate to you. After all, it takes ages to build the customer base, but split of a second is enough to loose them altogether, especially if you are not knowledgeable about the things to refrain from.

Therefore, it necessitates you to know the following coveted things to avoid on Facebook, so that you can create a brand for yourself by equally strengthening relationships.

Never indulge in the competition associated with “like and share”

Facebook promotion rules and guidelines never ask you to run “like” or “share” competition on your Facebook page. Since, it can easily be found by Facebook Insights which is considered to be a powerful tool. Especially as the page starts getting burgeoning amount of traffic which will indeed be clicked and reported as SPAM by people.

Never concentrate totally on selling

A strategy is going to be your best friend. Therefore, you should not just limit your relations with your customers on professional ground. Social Media is about how you conserve and engage. Look beyond the realms of just marketing and selling your products and this can be done by helping others.

After all, social media sites such as Facebook involves a tricky process where your noble acts automatically give you much needed promotion, thus your increasing base of customers will be more responsive to your promotional posts. They will equally pass your promotion to other networks as well.

Do not post your entire Page updates at one go on Facebook

Readers want to be a witness to informative and engaging articles on periodical basis. Therefore, never post all the articles on a single basis and then be absent for another set of days. This will discourage your readers as they will either unlike you, hide you or even mark as a SPAM.

Never spam pages of other people

You might be unintentionally marketing your pages to potential fans, but this could lead you to various limitations or even ban.

Don’t post about politics or religion

Speaking on the matters of politics as well as religion will deter your audience towards establishing connection. Since, some where down the line you cannot be neutral in such debatable topics. You can have your own opinion but you should keep it limited with your close friends but when it comes to openly showcasing on Facebook, there is an increasing risk that it is going to make matters worse for you. Since, you can’t afford to have these interaction with the people with whom you are doing business. Isn’t it?

Never expect immediate success

Relations take time to nurture and Social Media site such as Facebook is not an exception too. After all, life is regarded to be a learning phase. Hence, patiently learn the things in order to strengthen and cement the relations like never before.

Final thoughts

Therefore, by reading the aforesaid article, you know the things which you should refrain from doing on Facebook as it will act as a death knell for your business. After all, as it is said that “If you suck in real life, you will suck on Social Media”, therefore be cheerful since it is the best remedy to make fortunes like never before. Great, isn’t it?

Firms spending more on social media


Most enterprises these days – be it banks, retailers or the government, are adopting social media strategies like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Foursquare for efficient communication. Organisations use social media for their customer service function and also for their sales and marketing functions.

With over one billion individuals logged on to various social networks, people are now using social media for advice on what products to buy, where to shop and even what firms they want to work with.

In a report titled the SMAC Code, consulting firm KPMG states that the introduction of various technologies such as social media, mobility, analytics and cloud computing, businesses are becoming extremely swift to give a free rein of unlimited opportunities for everyone involved.

These technologies collectively referred to as SMAC will be the leading business-technology enablers of the next decade.

“IT-BPO firms will have to re-invent themselves in order to be aligned with SMAC and follow a four-step roadmap which consists of creating a safe environment, enabling organisational agility and broadening their horizons. SMAC (Social media, mobility, analytics and cloud computing) collectively is considered to be a multi-billion dollar opportunity globally for the IT-BPO vendors,” K K Raman, partner, KPMG in India said.

TOI – 28th September 2013

Expand Your Business With The Help Of Twitter!

Any Business, irrespective of its size, expertise or workforce needs to be visible in the market to its customers and perspective customers amongst other competitors. Standing out from the crowd is cry for many due to increased competition. The power of online media is unquestionable and social networking giants like twitter are already a huge success in this regard.



Here are 12 reasons how twitter can boost a Business:

1) Twitter connects a Business to it’s customers in real-time, sharing relevant information even before it’s officially out in the market.

2) Twitter also helps Business keep itself updated with the latest market information and connect to partners and consumers resulting in building relationships amongst them.

3) Businesses get tips from industry leaders, experts or other influential people who already rule the market.

4) Twitter can be used to share your product or company links thus marketing a Business with no cost at all. It’s a no cost viral marketing method which adds more value to the business.

5) The limited word limit of twitter (140 words) is a blessing in disguise as it enables the users to get maximum information in limited words without having to go through lengthy presentations or huge articles.

6) Twitter also helps a business grow via the word-of-mouth marketing. The precise content is often talked about amongst people and hence more customers come to know about it.

7) Articles though concise and short on twitter, are never found elsewhere. Twitter has various articles for various groups of people. Hence, segmentation of consumers is better than many other sources of marketing.

 8) There is no limit to the amount of information that can be found on twitter. The number of tweets has no restrictions. So, the variety is always there which can help Businesses provide diverse information to its clients.

9) A Business does not have to invest time to market via twitter. A few minutes of time on the website can do a world of good in exchanging information with the clients. Saving your most precious time!

10) It’s a two way flow of information where Businesses can provide information about their offerings and clients/consumers can provide their feedback as well hence completing the cycle making it more effective with their feedback.

11) Twitter is global and used all around the world. Even a small business can connect to its perspective customers worldwide without having to spend a dime.

12) Smartphones are very much a part of today’s life. Blackberry, Android phones, iPhones are already a rage in the market.


The power of twitter is enabled to these phones and so twitter is on the go as well. This advantage scores over all other conventional methods of marketing.To sum up, twitter is a 21st generation tool which can be used to innovate and adapted easily by anyone. The idea of going online to market gets easier with twitter.

What Is Content Marketing…?

Content Marketing means an umbrella term encompassing all marketing formats that involve the creation and sharing of content in order to attract, acquire and engage clearly defined and understood current and potential consumer bases with the objective of driving profitable customer action.

Content marketing’s purpose is to attract and retain customers by consistently creating and curating relevant and valuable content with the intention of changing or enhancing consumer behavior. It is an ongoing process that is best integrated into your overall marketing strategy, and it focuses on owning media, not renting it.

Basically, content marketing is the art of communicating with your customers and prospects without selling. It is non-interruption marketing. Instead of pitching your products or services, you are delivering information that makes your buyer more intelligent. The essence of this content strategy is the belief that if we, as businesses, deliver consistent, ongoing valuable information to buyers, they ultimately reward us with their business and loyalty.

Content Marketing