What is Social Media ?


Social media includes web-based and mobile technologies used to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Social media is media for social interaction as a super-set beyond social communication. Enabled by ubiquitously accessible and scalable communication techniques, social media has substantially changed the way organizations, communities, and individuals communicate.

Ways Through Which You Can Drive Traffic With The Help Of Goggle!


Internet marketing has come up with several new and creative techniques for marketing products andservices online. As day by day more population is coming under the influence of the internet and getting connected very fast, internet marketers have also reached their desired audience via their unique techniques on this swift medium.

One of these unique techniques however, is still not used frequently by internet marketers is Google Alerts. This techniques has still not picked up momentum in usage by marketers but believe me, once used, this will prove to be one of the most lucrative and powerful technique to draw traffic and much more (as drawing traffic to your site is the ultimate result of all marketing practices).

Google Alerts are simple alerts in the form e-mails sent to us regarding a particular keyword or keywords. We can also sort information by categorizing into various types like news, blogs, books, videos, discussions and everything. It comes with the option of choosing the frequency on which you would like to receive these e-mails like as it happens, once a day or once a week etc. You can even spy on your competitors and know what they are up to right now and drive the much desired untapped traffic to your site.

Now let us see how to set up these alerts:

The screen shot pasted below will show you how easy it is to use Google alerts to get crisp information which is right for you.

Internet marketers usually look for blogs and discussions etc. but one can fetch best results with the use of general keywords and won’t receive any spam mails. You can get alerts about your competition also. You can set up alerts like this by using Google’s list of internet marketers also.

If you want free traffic for your site Google alerts will indirectly get you for sure. Not a direct traffic source itself it provides traffic opportunities that lie in way of different keywords used for Google alerts.

One can examine these few ways to direct traffic on their sites through Google alerts:

  • Get to know about your competitor’s traffic strategy by setting up keywords in your competitor’s name.
  • Get traffic tactics from internet gurus you like and follow them by setting up keywords in their names.
  • Visit blogs and leave comments with your back link and see how your site traffic improves.
  • And, you can directly setup keywords in your name or your businesses name and get instant results.

Now except for getting traffic, let’s look at the other uses of these alerts:

  • Visit click bank. Select marketplace and browse through each big category of product being launched. Set it as your keyword and stay updated.
  • Set up keywords in the name of people promoting products.
  • Set up keyword in your name and select discussion as your type. Get comments regularly on your offered product or service.
  • Keyword for Guest Blog Posting helps you get in touch with guest blog posts forums and you have a chance to ask them that you would want to write for them.

These were a few interesting pieces of information you can actually draw benefits from on various aspects of online marketing.