Social Media Stats

1012200_160283867490845_999871072_nAccording to a research among Marketers about the good and bad uses of Social Media it was found that:

1) 89% of marketers felt Social Media generated more business exposure

2) 78% of marketers gained increased traffic as a result of Social Media

3) 69% of marketers use Social Media to gain marketplace intelligence

4) 65% of marketers use Social Media to develop loyal fans

5) 64% of marketers saw new leads from Social Media in less than 6 hours per week

6) 62% of marketers using Social Media for 2 years+ reported a rise in Search Engine Rankings

7) 62% of marketers using Social Media for 3 years+ saw new partnerships formed as a result

4 Simple Ways to cause your SMS marketing campaigns a huge success…!!!!

1) Always Deliver Value –

Make sure  you are not wasting people’s precious time! Give huge value, whether you’re delivering a real offer or just sending them to a place where they can consume more fresh content. Deliver Value!

2) Keep your messages personal and short –

This marketing method is based on trust and familiarity, so do your very best to greatly improve that by making your texts personal as well as keeping them short and to the point. Yes, even marketing messages can have a friendly tone. A note like, “Hi Bob, Thanks again for your business! We are looking forward to serving you again soon. Show this msg to receive 20% off your next purchase at [Your Store & Your PHONE NUMBER].”

3) Give a call to action –

Make sure that you ask for a certain action you want them to take. Say something like “Text SaveNow to 123456 to get a 10% off coupon today” will set their mind to take action immediately.

4) Track your results –

SMS is Amazing! when it comes to measuring metrics. There are a many things you can monitor and analyze on your campaigns, from how many clicks — to who opened what. So make sure that you track and measure your results, so that you can correctly plan your next campaign!

What is SMS marketing? How to do it..?

SMS Marketing

SMS means Short Message Service, otherwise known as text messaging. SMS marketing is the process of spreading a marketing message via text messages.

An SMS marketing campaign involves the following steps:

1) A mobile user receives a message that informs him or her about some benefits that he or she would receive upon texting a series of numbers or words. For example: Text Hawaii to 92843 for a chance to win a free trip to Honolulu.

2) The user then sends a text message with the word Hawaii to 92843.

3)That message is received by an SMS marketing company who uses software to store the sender’s mobile phone number and automatically sends an acknowledgement message back to the sender.

4) The list of mobile phone numbers are then to be used to announce the winner in the future and for another SMS marketing campaign.

What is Social Media ?


Social media includes web-based and mobile technologies used to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Social media is media for social interaction as a super-set beyond social communication. Enabled by ubiquitously accessible and scalable communication techniques, social media has substantially changed the way organizations, communities, and individuals communicate.