
1. Identify your Audience

2. Understand your Target Options

3. Use Good Images

4. Include a Strong Call to Action

5. Set Objective and Budget

6. Set up Multiple Campaigns/Ads

7. Launch and Find Out Which Ones Are Working

8. Reporting and Optimization

9. Refresh Your Ads

10. Always On Strategy

Social Media Stats

1012200_160283867490845_999871072_nAccording to a research among Marketers about the good and bad uses of Social Media it was found that:

1) 89% of marketers felt Social Media generated more business exposure

2) 78% of marketers gained increased traffic as a result of Social Media

3) 69% of marketers use Social Media to gain marketplace intelligence

4) 65% of marketers use Social Media to develop loyal fans

5) 64% of marketers saw new leads from Social Media in less than 6 hours per week

6) 62% of marketers using Social Media for 2 years+ reported a rise in Search Engine Rankings

7) 62% of marketers using Social Media for 3 years+ saw new partnerships formed as a result